Don't you worry about me (because I don't have no body)


Der Tote ist ein Bild par excellence, sagt Hans Belting: Der Leichnam ist das perfekte Abbild eines Körpers und doch schon nicht mehr dieser Körper – jedenfalls nicht das, was wir von Körpern wollen: Antwort. Denn der tote Körper ist nur noch die Anwesenheit eines Abwesenden.

Don‘t you worry about me (because I don‘t have no body) spricht aus der Perspektive dieser Abwesenden-Anwesenheit. In dem Fall: Keine Sorge! In mir ist nichts außer Stroh, Pappe und Gips.


Quoting Hans Belting, the deceased is an image par excellence: The corpse is the perfect image of a body and yet it is no longer this body – at least not what we want from bodies: response. For the dead body is only the presence of an absence.

Don‘t you worry about me (because I don‘t have no body) is speaking from the perspective of this absent presence. In this case it says: Don‘t worry! There is nothing inside me but straw, cardboard and plaster.

(Studio Simon Baumgart, Halle (Saale), 2023)

My grandfather in his last years

(page 56), sculpture made of clothing, wooden laths, cable ties, life size (2023)


Figure not answering the phone

(page 58-59, 61), sculpture made of clothing, hay, wooden laths, tap, metal rods, cable ties, cardboard, plaster, dead smartphone, life size (2023)


(page 60), cut-out, spraypaint, 10 x 15 cm (2023)

Figure resting

(page 61), sculpture made of sleeping bag, hay, plaster, cap, life size (2023)


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